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الموضوع: How to Cure Tinnitus Part 2

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  1. تكبير الخط تصغير الخط
    بتاريخ : 25-07-2016 الساعة : 02:44 PM رقم #1

    افتراضي How to Cure Tinnitus Part 2

    نائب المدير العام

    الصورة الرمزية نسائم الرحمن

    • بيانات نسائم الرحمن
      رقم العضوية : 6009
      عضو منذ : Jan 2012
      المشاركات : 5,178
      بمعدل : 1.15 يوميا
      معدل تقييم المستوى : 64
      التقييم : Array

  2. How to Cure Tinnitus

    Relieving Tinnitus Naturally

    1 Use sound therapy.

    Sound therapy is a way of masking or drowning out the internal noise caused by the tinnitus using sound.

    Although it does not cure the tinnitus, sound therapy can help patients to forget about their symptoms and allow them to concentrate or rest without distraction. Sound therapy can be used in two major ways:

    Through small, in-ear devices that look similar to hearing aids. These emit low levels of white noise which help to over up the tinnitus.

    Through some combination of music, a fan, air conditioner, air filter/purifier, aquarium or sound machine which can be placed in the patient's bedroom and other ********s to distract one from the tinnitus. White noise (such as a TV on low volume while it is not on a station), various environmental sounds, or the noise produced by household appliances may help to cover up/distract from some tinnitus.[5]

    2 Avoid stimulants such as nicotine and depressants such as alcohol.

    They can worsen symptoms of tinnitus associated with blood flow. Caffeine was previously considered by medical professionals to worsen tinnitus, but recent research suggests this is not the case. Caffeine may actually improve symptoms, and prevent tinnitus getting worse or ever occurring in the first place.
    This is because these substances cause blood vessels to dilate, increasing the flow of blood in your body. Increased blood flow is associated with some of the "whooshing" or rushing noises heard in the inner ear.
    As a result, you should quit smoking and cut back on alcoholic beverages.
    You should also make an effort to reduce your salt intake as high salt consumption contributes to high blood pressure, which is sometimes linked to tinnitus.[1]

    3 Take zinc supplements.

    Patients suffering from tinnitus are often found to have low levels of zinc in their systems.
    As a result, some patients have found relief from tinnitus by taking zinc supplements daily.
    Magnesium and B vitamins are two more supplements which are said to ease tinnitus symptoms. Folic acid is a common supplement for hearing health, and since most individuals with tinnitus also suffer from some degree of hearing loss, eating foods high in Folic acid may potentially help, if the deficit is nutrient deficiency related.
    You can search for "tinnitus relief" supplements online that contain several vitamins and minerals that are said to work together in a single capsule.

    4 Try ginkgo biloba.

    Ginkgo biloba is an herbal supplement which some say may naturally relieve symptoms of tinnitus.

    This is perhaps due to the fact that ginkgo extract is used to improve blood flow, therefore reducing high blood pressure and ringing in the inner ear.

    Consider trying ginkgo supplements that contain ginkgo leaf extract rather than Ginkgo seeds, as those seeds may contain natural, toxic chemicals.[6]

    5 Try biofeedback.

    Biofeedback is a relaxation technique which can help people to control their body's reaction to certain stresses. In this way, patients can use their thoughts to alleviate symptoms of tinnitus.

    During a biofeedback session, a therapist will hook you up to a machine via electrical sensors. The machine will then provide feedback on your body's physiological reactions, such as temperature, muscle tension and pulse.

    Once you learn to recognize these reactions in your body, you might train your thought patterns, behaviors and emotions to respond to them. In this way, you could train your body to manage pain and stress through your thoughts alone.[7]

    Using biofeedback, you can attempt to train your body not to respond to the stresses that worsen symptoms of tinnitus.

    6 Consider cognitive therapy.

    This is by working collaboratively with a psychotherapist to develop skills for testing and modifying attitudes/beliefs, identifying distorted thinking, and changing ineffective behaviors. Severe tinnitus can cause major adjustment problems for it's sufferers - it can worsen concentration, inhibit sleeping patterns and affect personal relationships.

    Cognitive therapy may help tinnitus sufferers to cope with these issues, and prevent the condition taking over their lives.

    Cognitive therapy will not get rid of tinnitus, but it can help sufferers to alter their reactions to it and help them lead normal lives.

    Cognitive therapy is usually used in combination with some other form of tinnitus treatment, such as medication or sound therapy.[3]

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  3. رد مع اقتباس
  4. تكبير الخط تصغير الخط
    بتاريخ : 27-07-2016 الساعة : 04:26 PM رقم #2
    كاتب الموضوع : نسائم الرحمن

    شاملى ذهبى

    الصورة الرمزية رحمة

    • بيانات رحمة
      رقم العضوية : 159
      عضو منذ : Aug 2008
      المشاركات : 788
      بمعدل : 0.14 يوميا
      معدل تقييم المستوى : 23
      التقييم : Array

  5. very helpful information
    thanks to you nassayem

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