What happens to your body if you stop smoking

Experts have shown numerous times that smoking has a negative impact on our bodies as a whole. But for many people, quitting smoking is a very serious psychological challenge, or they simply find they don’t have the motivation to make the change in their lifestyle.
We at Bright Side believe a healthy lifestyle is hugely important and would, therefore, like to share with you some important information about what happens to a person’s body when they give up smoking.
Experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have produced data showing the changes that occur when a person gives up unhealthy habits.
Incredibly, just 20 minutes after you finish your last cigarette, a series of positive changes begins that will last for years.
20 minutes

The functioning of your heart returns to normal. Your capillaries and the vascular network are restored to health. Blood flow improves, and the sensitivity of your feet and fingers increases.
12 hours

The level of carbon monoxide in your blood falls, whilst the level of oxygen increases. The composition of the blood returns to normal.
From 2 weeks to 3 months

The risk of heart attack is reduced. The symptoms of tobacco addiction disappear. Blood circulation in the peripheral vessels improves. Lung tissue is restored and the function of the lungs significantly improves.
From 1 to 9 months

The coughing and wheezing caused by smoking falls, although not immediately — the lungs require some time to get rid of the harmful substances that have accumulated within them.
1 year

The need for tobacco disappears. The skin takes on a healthy color and greater flexibility. The risk of ischemic heart disease falls by 50%.
5 years

Blood circulation is completely restored to normal. The risk of stroke is reduced to a level equal to that of nonsmokers. The nervous and immune systems function several times better.
10 years

The risk of lung cancer is now two times smaller than that of a smoker. The risk of developing intraoral cancer, cancer of the throat, esophageal cancer, kidney and pancreatic cancer is reduced.
15 years

The risk of ischemic heart disease and the chances of cancer developing are now exactly the same as for a nonsmoker.