المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : دراسة تربط التدخين بعمليات زرع الورك والركبة

02-06-2012, 09:37 AM

دراسة تربط التدخين
بعمليات زرع الورك والركبة
ربطت دراسة صدرت مؤخراً بين التدخين
وأع ��داد المرضى المحتاجين إلى زراع ��ة أعضاء
كالركبة والورك، وخصوصاً من المدخنين الذين
يعانون من أم ��راض هشاشة العظام والتهابات
المفاصل الذي يعرف «بالروماتيزم .»
وجاء في الدراسة التي نشرت على مجلة «تايم »
الأميركية، أن أعداد المرضى المدخنين الذين تقدموا
لإجراء عمليات زرع للركبة أو الورك تبلغ عشرة
أضعاف أعداد المتقدمين للعمليات ذاتها من غير
وأشار الباحثون إلى أن الأرقام تشير إلى أن 21
في المئة من المدخنين والمصابين بأمراض الهشاشة
وآلام المفاصل سيحتاجون لإجراء عمليات زراعة
سواء للركبة أو الورك، في حين أن غير المدخنين
تنخفض عندهم النسبة إلى نحو 12 في المئة فقط.
وأك ��دت الدراسة التي تم تقديمها في المؤتمر
السنوي لجراحي العظام، أن الآثار السلبية العديدة
للتدخين لا يمكن تحديدها بشكل دقيق إلا أن هناك
العديد من الآثار التي مازال العلماء يكتشفونها، ولعل
آخرها هو هذا الربط بين التدخين وعمليات زراعة

هدى راضى
02-06-2012, 12:04 PM
مشكور استاذ اورفان على الطرح المميز وبارك الله فيك ونتظر منك المزيد انشاء الله

الشيخ درويش عبود المغربى
03-06-2012, 11:18 AM
مشكور وبارك الله فيك على الطرح استاذ اورفان

دعد الرايدى
08-06-2012, 02:22 AM
مشكور استاذ اورفان على الطرح المميز وبارك الله فيك ونتظر منك المزيد انشاء الله

12-06-2012, 06:33 PM
مشكورين يا اعضاء الشيخ الغالي واتمني لكم كل في حياتكم والله يعطيكم الف عافية

رقية نامى
15-06-2012, 02:49 AM
مشكور استاذ اورفان على الطرح المميز وبارك الله فيك ونتظر منك المزيد انشاء الله

20-06-2012, 02:55 PM
If you're creating a comfortable residing online and also the Net or perhaps have a want to achieve that aim, it's likely that you're operating over 10 internet sites. The websites will be the electronic office buildings. You need to your sites to get installed and operating One year, 7 days every week and 24 hours a day. Controlling several websites is often a challenging task if working 1 internet site can be a hobby.

Suggested Web hosting Strategy for Controlling Multiple Internet sites

The Hosting seo (http://www.hosting-tani.pl/hosting-seo/) web hosting strategy many of us propose is usually to web host your multiple key sites with 3-4 diverse website hosts, and available the reseller accounts with another service provider for One) small , brand new web sites, Two) web design and three) copy. Internet hosting with too many website hosts can significantly boost the some time to the problem of handling web sites, and using an individual service provider is not a smart choice possibly.

Reason in the Internet hosting Strategy

Cost * Cost of the Web web hosting service is not a concern with regard to owning a one site whether it costs $5 or perhaps $25 30 days. The gap is only a handful of hundred dollars or perhaps much less 12 months. It's always nice smart to make the most of the many solitary dollar within doing business. No less than, a number of hundred dollars difference would not make or break a company. Should you run 15 as well as 55 internet sites, the expense of Internet hosting on it's own can establish the particular success or failure of your respective on the web venture. To reduce the particular internet hosting cost, the possibility is by using a new reseller web hosting consideration to web host as numerous modest as well as brand new sites as you desire for approximately $15 30 days. You sponsor a single or Two major websites using a single hosting company. Shared web hosting account expenses beneath $10 per month, as well as devoted host will definitely cost $50 or higher a month.

Uptime * Should your bread-and-butter manufacturer internet site can be along for a couple hrs, you will drop large sums of money and much more. Even though nearly all serves assure 99.9% up-time, it isn't really common to see a site straight down for some several hours. A site may be along for a half day time and up in case a service provider has been doing a serious update. The particular webhost might perform up-date inside a end of the week or even a major vacation, but that's while a lot of family-oriented and take a trip internet sites create their particular profits. If you can afford losing revenues, some proprietors cannot bear the actual subconscious reduction as well as pressure. Internet hosting your own internet sites with some website hosts may lessen the likelihood of down time.

Database development - For quick web application, webmasters will perform improvement on the same production hosting internet site. If your internet commerce apps are complicated, doing growth on the manufacturing website will bring on the live web site in particular when you are in the process of altering configuration files or even deploy tailored programs. An opportunity is set up a website in your supplier are the cause of advancement and also assessment, and also move the particular applications in order to generation account on one more server following the completion.

Back-up - Discover happy with the webhost, the host no longer has sufficient enterprise, or the hosts will be along for the week, you can easily in the short term or even completely move from webhost with as you are acquainted with the website handling tools by now. In case you have a backup as well as secondary duplicate running upon another machine, all you need for the move will be the exchange of the website, which will take a maximum of a minute.

Store Before buying

There actually are too many hosting promises to choose between a lot of contains : ASP Hosting, Spending budget Hosting, Server colocation, online business Hosting, FrontPage Internet hosting, Hosting Together with Web themes, Been able Web Hosting, PHP Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Hosting that is shared, Unix Or Linux Internet hosting, Vps, Windows Internet hosting or Co-location Web hosting. Assess the cost, web hosting capabilities, checking documents regarding hosting companies before making your determination. Good luck with your web activities.

Thank alot for your suggestion to us for developing our website so for your information we have admin for that & if u have any thing plz contact the adim & dont lunch it in our matter & end thank in inter our website & asvising us

نسائم الرحمن
21-06-2012, 11:49 AM
بارك الله فيك استاذ اورفان على هذه الدراسة المهمة وكل سنة وانت طيب

هنادى العايدى
29-06-2012, 09:10 AM
بارك الله فيك وعليك ونتمنى المزيد من رائع مواضيعك ان شاء الله

خلف الله المشد
11-07-2012, 06:34 AM
مشكور وبارك الله فيك على الطرح استاذ اورفان

13-07-2012, 02:10 PM
مشكور وبارك الله فيك على الطرح استاذ اورفان

مشكوررين يا خلف الله على زيارتك للموضوعي واتمني من الله ان يعطيك الف عافية وكل عام وانت بالف خير عزيزي