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These are probably the most beautiful rings in the whole world
How to make an elegant necklace with your own hands It’s always a pleasure to create something new, cool, and unique. Especially if it’s a...
premiere partie ?D'où vient le mal Depuis son existence, l’homme a toujours lutté pour survivre en cherchant sa nourriture dans la...
Ormus | Spirit of Ma'at Ormus What Is Ormus? The Golden Alchemist Ormus is a liquid mineral product ****d on personal research and those...
The Pharaonic mercury and The Priest Oil great chemist in history Jaber Ben Hayyan (who has also title:father of Chemistry) mentioned...
For you dear this fantastic site for the translation of websites I hope that you like
Successful marriage through Islam: part-one] The Messenger of God said, The most perfect of believers in belief is the best of them in...
first part Whence comes the evil Since its existence, man has always struggled to survive in searching for food in nature and ensuring...
Successful marriage through Islam part 2/2 Marriages seem to be over before they’ve even begun. Broken families are common. Britain has the...
Talbina is among the food products not yet studied nor defined by the scientific community. This is most probably due to the fact that talbina had...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى آله واصحابه وسلم قوانين المنتدى التى تسرى على الاعضاء اخواني اعضاء...
10 Winter Phobias Winter is a season for a variety of phobias for some people. There are lots of people who tend to stay at home during the...
British Man and the Sheikh A British man came to Sheikh and asked: Why is it not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man? The...
Beautiful hair and healthy: three rules infallible beauty I hair are a very important part of our look, we would all have perfect hair,...
10 Things That Makes Us All Happy Thanksgiving is coming up. There are times when we might struggle to find something that we’re thankful...
Five Ways To Fight Fatigue خمس طرق لمحاربة الإرهاق Whether you’re running endless errands (مهام) or sidelined by illness, fatigue strikes...
Best Hair Oil To Grow Hair Fast Generally, virgin olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil and other such pure natural oils are considered most...
Anyway People are unreasonable , illogical and self centered. Love them anyway. If you do good , people will accuse you of selfish , ulterior...
Natural moisturizing mask for cleaning and maintaining the freshness of skin two tablespoons of cucumber juice two tablespoons of...
L’eau de concombre pour une désintoxication complète du corps et une perte de poids sainement et rapidement L’eau de concombre est une boisson...
unfaithful Husband “When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I’ve got something to tell you. She sat...
10 Simple and Relaxing Exercises for Your Eyes Endless hours sat in front of a computer or TV can be really bad for your eyes. Dryness,...
Cold Water or Warm Water. What’s better? Cold Water or Warm Water? Does the temperature of the water matter at all? Believe it or not...
How to Cure Tinnitus Tinnitus is a symptom of several possible underlying conditions. It is commonly experienced as a ringing in the ear,...
Fathers of Robotics: Ismail Al-Jazari the last part of three in our series "Fathers of Robotics". With robots getting more and more present in...
Healing for Broken Heart Syndrome Broken heart syndrome is a medical term for someone who had few risk factors for heart disease and...
What is Ormus? Ormus, often referred to as ORME (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Element or M-state element), is made from water and other...
Comment dire non à mon bébé Commencer à dire « non » à son bébé et lui signifier que tel ou tel comportement n’est pas acceptable, sont...
Ce légume fixe tout mal dans votre corps! Incroyable, mais vrai! La betterave est un légume miracle qui est utilisé contre diverses infections...
The best way to put your hair in a ponytail What could be more simple than a ponytail? For almost every woman, this remains the most simple...
Always remember the apple treeـ A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. منذ زمن بعيد ولى...كان هناك شجرة تفاح في غاية الضخامة... A...
3 عضو يتواجد الآن في المنتدى. (الأعضاء 0 والزوار 3)
استخدام هذا التحكم للحد من عرض هذه المواضيع على أحدث اطار زمني محدد.
السماح لك بإختيار البيانات بواسطة قائمة الموضوع التي ستحفظ.
ترتيب المواضيع...
ملاحظة: عندما يكون الترتيب بواسطة التاريخ، "ترتيب تنازلي" سيتم عرض الأحداث الجديدة أولا.
قوانين المنتدى